Standards of Practice

The Standards of Business Practice apply to all ARVDA dealers, including all persons employed, appointed or authorized by a dealer to act on a dealer’s behalf in any transaction arising from or related to the purchase, sale, or lease of recreation vehicles.  Members who disregard the Code of Ethics are subject to having their conduct reviewed and, after a fair review of the situation, may face disciplinary action by the ARVDA Board.

The purpose of the Standards of Business Practice is to assist members by illustrating what is expected of them.  The Standards of Business Practice attempt to illustrate the Code of Ethics by providing practical examples and by applying the standards of honesty and integrity in specific situations.  These represent minimum standards and are illustrative rather than exhaustive.  ARVDA anticipates that members will wish to exceed these minimum standards.

Members who know about a possible violation of the law or the Standards by another dealer, or if they know of a curbsider, are encouraged to report the matter to ARVDA with all the pertinent details of which the member may be aware.

A full Standards of Business Practice is here.

  • INTEGRITY – Conduct activities with honesty, fairness, and financial responsibility.
  • DISCLOSURE – Communicate all material facts, and ensure products and services are fully understood.
  • MARKETING- Guard against using any form of misleading advertising or innuendo in marketing products or services.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY- Fulfill all contractual obligations promptly and completely, and resolve legitimate claims without delay.
  • COMPLIANCE – Abide by all applicable laws and regulations and never knowingly do business with those operating outside these laws.
  • COMPETITION – Ensure fair and open competition and refrain from unfairly attacking the products, services, or business practices of others.
  • CONFIDENTIALITY – Hold all personal and financial information we receive in the strictest confidence.
  • RESPECT – Treat all people with equality and respect, regardless of gender, age, race, or religion.
  • PROFESSIONALISM – Enhance our professional knowledge, skills, and competencies throughout our careers.